The Party’s All Gone
You died way too young
But you lived to long
You got stuck cleaning
Bottles when the party’s all gone.
With duty on your back
And loving on the floor
Mind going crazy
Wanting what it was before
Golden boys don ’t shine
In autumn’s dullen grey
Hiding the mirror,
To make the cracks all go away.
You died way too young
But you lived to long
You got stuck cleaning
Bottles when the party’s all gone.
© Carman Benoit, October 2017
If you take me to Manhattan,
I’ll dance amidst the cars.
From kiss to kiss,
A Broadway miss,
And cleaning up the bars.
We’ve learned a lot from losing,
And how it’s worthy of the risk.
Searching by night,
For god’s elusive light,
In the cold and winter brisk.
If you take to me to Berlin,
I will dance upon the cobble.
I will run amok,
Until i’m stuck,
And crash into my nobble.
We’re learned a lot from boredom,
and tracing songs upon our skin.
To shed our flags,
As lonesome rags,
Lusting for discipline.
© Carman Benoit, February 2017
We Are The Dirt
We are the dirt.
We cling to mud.
Washed away.
Thinner we reform.
We are the dirt.
Once were stone.
Friction faced.
And blow away.
Stressed, and
Pressed, and
Are we.
We are the dirt.
Forever here.
Mineral decay.
Important stories,
Passed on in fossils.
Lava glass.
Reborn in clay.
© Carman Benoit, October 2016